The Company will comply with the legal requirements and conservation programme for preventing the pollution of the environment, whether air, ground or water, and ensure that any environmental incident is dealt with immediately to reduce the impact on the environment as per the Heritage structures.


  • Employer [Section appointee]
  • Site Manager
  • Service Provider Managers
  • Ad Hoc Contractors
  • Health & Safety Consultant for the maintenance and Annual review of this Plan.
  • All employees, Service Providers, contractors and sub-contractors employed at The Company premises.


  • Our goal is to reduce on our carbon foot print by saving on electricity, water consumption & waste recycling.

Energy, Water, Waste and CO2 Initiatives

Is to train staff on how to save/reduce our carbon footprint by involving them on the green initiatives taking place at work. Below is the detailed status update of our environmental initiatives.

Energy Saver Status


  • We have energy saving devices in all our suites
  • We have changed all the Hotels CFL lamps to LED lamps
  • All our 10 jacuzzis are heated with a 7klw heat pumps.
  • We have 5 tumble driers that have moisture sensors that switches off automatically

Water Saver Status


  • We have tap restrictors in all our taps that use 3 litres per minute
  • Our shower heads use 4 litres per minute
  • We have buckets in our showers that catches the cold water
  • We are pumping 8000 litres grey water to our 2x 10000 litres tanks for flushing

Waste Efficiency Status


  • We recycle 30% of all our waste
  • We have bins for recyclables, compost & general waste/non recyclables

Carbon Footprint Status



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