sizzling summer hacks roadtrip edition

News / 24 November 2016

Sizzling Summer Hacks – Road Trip Edition

Many of you may be undertaking the long-haul this holiday season, but that doesn’t mean your journey need be a long bore! Road trips can be very tiring and boring, especially for young children. Never fear, however, because we have you covered! Take a look at our hacks for surviving the long and daunting drive ahead.

  1. Be Prepared.Check your cars tyres are pumped (the spare wheel too!), make sure you have some jumper cables and check the car’s jack is in the boot. If you are travelling at night, also be sure to bring along a torch. .
  2. Keep it Clean. Your car can quickly become filled with snack wrappers, cold drink cans and any number of other bits of rubbish along the way. Bring along a cereal container with a plastic bag lining the inside and use it as a temporary rubbish bin for the journey.
  3. Turn up the Tunes. A road trip without music would be a depressing experience indeed. Remember to bring some of your favourite CDs, or load up your phone or mp3 player if you are living the digitised life, just be sure to…
  4. Pack a Car Charger.. Listening to your favourite tracks will be difficult if you are caught with a flat phone. Make sure to pack a car charging port and cables for all your electronics – driving the wilderness with a flat GPS isn’t a great way to start your holiday!
  5. Enjoy the ride! The beauty of a road trip is to enjoy the journey. Before you head off, make sure to investigate what attractions there are along your route – you’ll be surprised how many gems are hidden out there in the great wide world.

For those with children, we haven’t forgotten about you…

  1. Hang a backpack full of activities over the headrest of the front seat to keep them entertained. Fill this with colouring books, sticker books, and other toys to keep them occupied.
  2. Make some goody bags for rewards on long road trips – fill these with sweets and snacks and give them out at specific milestones for good behaviour.
  3. . Forget “I Spy”! Road trips are good for spotting little more than tarmac and countryside, so try passing more time with your kids by playing I Don’t Spy. For example, “I don’t spy with my little eye something beginning with P”, where P can be anything in the known universe. Your kids will have a ball trying to trick you.


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