At the Blue Marlin Hotel, we commit to providing a quality service in a manner that ensures a safe and healthy workplace for our employees and minimises our potential impact on the environment. We will operate in compliance with all relevant environmental legislation and we will strive to use pollution prevention and environmental best practices in all we do. we operate to high standards of performance and advocate socially and environmentally sustainable business practices. Our aim is to bring a positive benefit to the society in which we operate through environmental protection, community involvement and employment. In order to adhere to these principles, we endeavour to:
- Set sound environmental and social objectives and targets, and integrate a process of review and reporting.
- Comply with all applicable environmental laws, statutes, and regulations.
- Continuously improve environmental performance and reduce the environmental impact of our activities .
- Create environmental awareness among our employees, suppliers, guests and the community at large.
Policy Implementation:
- Intergrate the consideration of environmental concerns and impacts into our decision making and activities
- Minimise our waste and reuse or recycle as much of it as possible
- Minimise energy and water use within our property and processes in order to conserve and minimize the consumption of natural resourses
- As far as possible purchase products and services, and work with suppliers who have a similar code of practice
- Promote and encourage this awareness to our staff
- Communicate our enviromental commitment to guests and the public and encourage them to support it
- Through the above to assume a leadership role in our wider local community
Energy Saver Status
- Replacing old equipment and lights with the optimal energy saving ones
- Training staff in best practices
- Using occupation levels to maximize our saving in heat pumps, laundry and kitchen
- Using the technology available to us more effectively
- Using our local climatic conditions .i.e wind and sun for extraction and drying
Water Saver Status
- Put in a relaiable and informative measuring system to monitor water usage
- Replace all current showerheads with ecosmart 6 l/min showerheads
- Training staff in best practices
- Inspection and timely repair of all leaks
Waste Efficiency Status
- Effective separation, recording and removal of waste
- Working with our suppliers to minimize unrecyclable packaging
- Buying locally where possible to minimize transport
- Regular maintenance of vehicles and encourage drivers to use the eco-features of our vehicles
- Education of the younger guests in the importance of our policies and involvement in beach clean-ups etc.
- Choice of environmentally friendly chemicals, packaging and straws
- Leadership and involvement of the hotel in local initiatives such as ocean day
- Buy in and education of our guests in an informative and fun environment
Carbon Footprint Status
- Education of drivers and use of vehicles eco-technology
- Buying locally where possible
- Garden design and utilization of indigenous plants
- Nurturing and expansion of our ‘green’ herb garden and planted lemon and herb trees
- Encouraging of wild life i.e bees, mongeese, owls, blue-headed lizards and birdlife on our property